Welcome to my blog

If you enjoy finding a lot of different outlets for your creativity, then we may just be kindred spirits.
This blog is an outlet for my interest in miniatures, crochet, plastic canvas, and many other various arts and crafts.

I also love walking, taking digital photos, and most recently, have rediscovered an old love...bike riding! I purchased an amazing new bike, a comfy Townie by Electra this summer, and have been having a grand time exploring the area as though for the first time. It's like being a kid again!

If you enjoy any of these things too, pour a cup of coffee and tea, sit down, and join me.

Take care!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bike Rides 17, 18, and 19, LOL

I'm really behind on my blog because I'm so tired when I get back from my bike rides and walks, lol.  I'm going to try to be better though, and blog when I get back no matter how tired or sleepy I am.

I haven't been feeling well; my allergies have been bad, and it's been triggering my asthma and migraines.  When I can, I go for a walk or bike ride but haven't enjoyed it as much as I normally do because I feel a bit off.  When I'm really sick I can't do anything at all though, so i don't like to let it stop me if I can help it (if I have the choice).

Bike Route 17
 The flowers in the fields are dying; so sad.  All of the sunny yellows are turning gold and brown.  It's pretty too; I like fall colors, but I wish summer would last longer. 

 My bike really stands out in a fall field; it's such a nice, vivid coral color.

 We always get such amazing sunsets at this time of year.  I love riding my bike just before sunset, and coming home just as it gets dark.  I have lots of lights and reflectors, so it's safe. It's been so hot this year; even now, in September, it was quite warm out riding.
 These creek side trails are all over the place, and when it hasn't rained, they're lovely to ride on. Much nicer scenery than on the roads.
 For bike ride 18 I went to the end of Korah Road again...well, not quite the end, but almost. I stopped at  Garson's Pond to see the ducks, then road further down Korah, as far as the abandoned homestead.  I turned around there (almost at the corner of Korah and Goulais Ave.).
 The ducks were very annoyed that I hadn't brought them anything to eat.  I keep forgetting. 
The moon was out, and although it looks tiny in the photo, it was really quite lovely.  The photos make everything seem so far away and small.

I always wanted to have a yard with a duck pond, ever since I was a little girl. These people are so lucky. They have lots of snapping turtles in that pond too, but I didn't see any.
My Townie.
 Once again, my pretty bike.  I'm amassing quite the collection of photos showing my bike in cool places.  I'm so enjoying exploring the area again.  This bike makes me so happy!
Ducks making ripples on the pond.
Bike Route 19
 I started on my normal route but then rode around through Bayview.  In the past, it was had a thriving mini downtown area.  Now all of the stores and businesses are closed.  I remember when I was younger there was a grocery store, a restaurant, a bowling alley, a clothing store, a furniture store, and several others.
 This red building  (above) used to be a store.  I don't remember which kind.
 The two buildings above were also businesses.  One is a house now, but the other looks like it has an accountant's office now. It was closed though.
 This graffiteed building was also a business;  a restaurant, I think.  There were many others. It was like a mini downtown area, and it's sad to see it gone.
The only business still running is the one that employs most of the Sault; Essar Steel.  The air quality sucks here, thanks to the Steel Plant, but I guess it keeps the economy afloat. 

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